The Augeo Difference

David Bourassa of Augeo Coaching specializes in executive coaching and leadership development for individual leaders. Using a customizable process, he works one-on-one with leaders to improve their leadership effectiveness.

Executive Coaching
David helps leaders become more self-aware and productively reflective. Through the coaching process a leader will become more conscious of the behaviors and leadership techniques he or she uses in different business contexts, including the appropriateness of those behaviors and their impact on the organization and colleagues.

Leadership Assessment & Feedback
Using a variety of assessment tools and/or a 360-degree interview protocol, David identifies a leader’s strengths and weaknesses as seen by oneself and others. He is certified to administer these tools and interpret the results.

Development Planning
David helps leaders identify the behaviors they want to change. Together, coach and client then work to come up with objectives, as well as action steps and measurements to track and achieve them.

Targeted Behavior-Specific Coaching
Through a series of individual sessions, David works with the leader to modify or eliminate unwanted behaviors and add new, desirable behaviors that expand and enrich his or her leadership signature.